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Where words fail, music speaks.
-Hans Christian Anderson
The NorthEast Region (NEMEA) of the Washington Music Educators Association (WMEA) consists of all public and private schools in the Great Northern, Northeast, Bi-County, Panorama, Spokane Valley schools, & schools north to the Canadian border.
NEMEA is a regional unit of the Washington Music Educators Association (click, WMEA), which is a federated state unit of the National Association for Music Education (click, NAfME).
NEMEA is YOUR association, and is dedicated to serving the membership in advocating music in the schools and the community. In order for these associations to remain a vital link in the state and national advocacy process, we need your voice in the regional activities. We also strongly encourage you to be a member of our state association (WMEA), as a joint membership with our national organization (NAfME).
To join NAfME/WMEA, click here, to renew click here. Questions? Please call 800-828-0229.
To join NEMEA, please click on the calendar tab, and the click to fill out the Association Form.