**This site is optimized for use with Google Chrome. If you are having difficulties, please view in Chrome.**
The WMEA website is now open until JANUARY 11, 2016. Anyone registering AFTER that date will perform for COMMENTS ONLY.
Don't wait until the deadline, get your entries registered today!
**The middle school solo & ensemble festival for both regions will be held, Saturday, January 30, at West Valley High School.
**The high school solo & ensemble festival for both regions will be held, Saturday, February 6, at Rogers High School.
**We strongly urge you to become a member of WMEA to register your students for the festival. If you choose not to, you may still register your students, but will need to click on "Creat New Account (Non-MENC Members)" to complete registration. It is a good idea to go ahead and register for you account before you have to put your students information in.
**If your school is not listed in either region, please e-mail sfnemea@gmail.com ASAP! A list of schools in each region can be found HERE.
**The Middle School festival will have ratings, I, II, III, as well as plus (+) & minus (-)
**The High School festival will have ratings, I, II, III. No plus or minus, we are aligning our festival with the state standards.
**For each accompanist, please limit to 12 entries per festival (HS or MS). When registering for more, increases scheduling conflicts which are difficult to resolve.
**When selecting an accompanist for the performance, please search from the pull down menu first. If the accompanist is not listed, then add their name, please be consistent to avoid the same accompanist twice.
**When you are registering an ensemble, you must enter both the student name, and what instrument/voice part they sing. It either of these are missing, your ensemble will not be registered.
**When you are finished registering your students. Click, view/print invoice. Print Invoice, and send with your payment to:
c/o Margo Dreis
6221 S. Regal
Spokane, WA 99223
YOU MUST INCLUDE YOUR INVOICE & YOUR CHECK, missing invoices may result inaccurate accounts credited.
**Once you have registered, and the deadline is past, you are obligated to pay for those entries.
**If you have any questions, please e-mail: sfnemea@gmail.com.
**Don't wait until the last minute, we are happy to help you!